Happy Fall!!!
Speaking of Fall, I know what you’re all thinking: Why can’t we stop using that term for a season that comes around every blasted year and reminds us of what we lack?!!
“Autumn” is so much nicer. It doesn’t remind us of our relationship statuses (or would that be statusi?) Autumn is pleasant because it avoids ambiguity. There is no noun/verb confusion:
Nobody Autumns in Love.
Speaking of the verb, why do people “fall” in love anyway?
Falling seldom has a positive connotation. We think of skinned knees, getting tripped up and snagged in traps, of lost respect, the human race doomed to deception and eternal darkness... and love???

That brings to mind some of the online infomercials for programs that promise to teach women how to make any man fall hopelessly, head-over-heels in love--so much so that he will follow her around like a stupefied puppy, hanging on her every word and every move and every breath, ready to do ANYTHING she asks like a hypnotized robot honed in on a magnetic tracking device embedded in her heart. These programs have many names, but I can’t help thinking the best name of all would be “How to Train Your Stalker.” [I’ll add that to my “books to write” queue. Look for it in the near future.]
Now, I'd like to ask you to help me help more people. Become part of a movement...
If you have any friends who are longing to FALL IN LOVE, please invite them to “friend” me, too.
Together we can make this a season of realism in which we refuse to ignore our skinned knees, allowing the wounds to fester and become infected.
PS. I apologize for asking, but please like and comment on each post in order to increase audience engagement which increases visibility. (Which has the unfortunate side effect of reminding me of my own invisibility and lack of an engagement ring.)